The Principles Of Lust Page 2
Deep breaths in through the nose…out through the mouth. An image of the sexy and enticing Teal Jamison emerged behind his eyes and he ground his teeth together. No matter how seductive she was; she was too aggressive for him.
She had a palpable sexual aura that made him want to strip her down and tie her up so he could explore her to his heart’s content. But as he’d worked in the gallery, he’d seen her assertive nature come more to the fore each day. While she was still immensely attractive, he knew they wouldn’t fit.
To his way of thinking, aggressive women rarely had it in them to completely let go. To let him pamper, spoil, or play with them. They always wanted to fight for control of the relationship, in the bedroom and out of it. And while he enjoyed power exchanges, power struggles weren’t his thing.
He breathed deeply again, focusing on the beating of his heart, slowing it to a heavy throb that settled in his groin as his body recognized the ritual. In his mind he saw the room in his basement, a slim soft female blindfolded and strapped to the lovingly crafted X-cross. He saw himself step closer, brace his hands on the cross and lean in, dipping his head. The view switched and he saw the eagerly parted lips just beneath his, the same plump, luscious lips that had taunted him only hours ago at the gallery.
Zach’s eyes jerked open and he cursed.
His heart was pounding, his cock was aching, and a small trickle of sweat ran from his temple. He shook his hands out, rolled his shoulders and resettled himself deeper into his chair.
Forget about Teal, he chastised himself. She’s not for you.
A short time later the heavy chime of doorbell sounded and Zach opened his eyes, ready to begin. With smooth movements he got up and strode to the front door. He pulled it open and frowned at his curvaceous blond visitor.
“Hello, Jenna. I’ve been waiting for you, and you know how I feel about being kept waiting.”
“I’m sorry, Master.” Jenna cast her pretty blue eyes down and clasped her hands together in front of her, waiting. “How can I make it up to you?”
A familiar hum of pleasure rolled over Zach as Jenna stepped into the room. He closed the door and turned to see her standing still and straight. Her body tense and eyes glowing with an eagerness that tightened his groin.
“Let’s go downstairs, shall we?” Zack held out his hand, gesturing for her to go first. She’d been to his home before so Jenna knew which door led to the basement, his playroom.
She sashayed down the steps, her movements slow and deliberate, knowing that he enjoyed watching her move. Jenna was a dancer at one of the many downtown nightclubs. Both beautiful and intelligent, she teased and taunted men for money and used that money to pay her way through veterinary school. She didn’t come to him for romance; she came to him because he gave her what she needed--relief from always being in control.
And they both enjoyed the way he did it.
She stopped at the bottom of the stairs and waited for him. He pointed to the sturdy wooden bench with the padded leather top that stood in the far corner and she quickly made her way there. “Prepare yourself, Jenna,” he said over his shoulder as he reached into the cabinet next to the bottom of the stairs.
After he’d retrieved the toy he wanted and inserted the batteries into it, he made his way over to her. She was naked by the time he reached her, having made quick work of her clothes.
“How do you want me, Master?”
“On your stomach.”
She stretched out on the padded bench, and he began to work. The sultry jazz music filled the silence as he ran his hands gently over her body from stem to stern. She expected a spanking for being late. It was a reasonable punishment that they could both find pleasure in as well, but one of the best ways to assert the top position, or power position, was to do the unexpected. So when she was trembling with anticipation, he bent her left leg at the knee and had her grip it in her left hand.
Then he bound it there with soft hemp rope.
He repeated the same thing with her right side and stepped back to admire the view. “What do you think, Jenna?” he asked.
Jenna turned her head and looked in the strategically placed mirror. Her cheeks flushed and she licked her lips. “Lovely, Master.”
He had to agree. The picture of her curvaceous form, naked and restrained, was very appealing. But the look on her face, the flush in her cheeks and the slight glaze to her eyes…that was what made the image truly lovely.
Zach reached for the vibrator he’d set on the nearby table and went to stand at the foot of the bench. “Keep your eyes on the mirror, Jenna.”
From where he stood, he could see her pretty pink pussy, spread wide and wet. He tested her with his finger, closing his eyes and losing himself in the feel of her silky warmth. His mind started to drift with the music and his body responded. Hot blood flowed south and his cock stiffened as he continued to tease her.
He inserted another finger and searched for the hard button of nerves with his thumb. Her cunt tightened around his fingers and she panted, her whimpers echoing through the room, blending with the music.
“Please, Master, let me come. Please.” The husky voice went straight to his groin.
“Not yet,” he murmured.
Zach pressed his hips against the bench, revelling in the slight pressure. He let go of the toy in his other hand, concentrating instead on the skin-to-skin sensation. With his eyes still closed, he reached out with his empty hand. He cupped her full bottom, squeezing it before running a finger teasingly between her cheeks while he pumped into her faster with his other hand.
It wasn’t enough. He removed his fingers and used his hands to press her thighs further apart. Leaning forward, he opened his mouth and tasted her. Tart juices coated his tongue and he proceeded to lick, suck and eat at her until she was rocking wildly against him and crying out with pleasure.
When her cries subsided and her body shuddered gently under his hands, he pulled back and opened his eyes. He hadn’t planned to eat her to orgasm. Hell, he hadn’t planned to eat her at all. She’d been late and the plan had been to tease her, keep her on the edge of orgasm without pushing her over until he was sure she couldn’t take any more. But the scent of an excited woman had gotten to him. He’d closed his eyes, breathed it in, and couldn’t help himself.
With a glance at Jenna’s shining satisfied face in the mirror, he suddenly knew why. When he’d closed his eyes, the image in his mind had been of Teal bound and naked on that padded bench.
Zach looked down at Jenna. With a suppressed sigh he reached out and undid the hemp knots and released her. He was still hard and throbbing behind the zipper of his pants, but he had no urge to take her.
He knew it then. He was really in trouble.
Two days later Teal bent over the large desk she’d set up in the corner of the gallery for reception and sales, and watched Zach work. She wasn’t getting anywhere with the freak’n inventory ledgers she was trying to organize because she kept getting distracted by his presence.
Something had changed over the weekend. Still calm and quiet, Zach’s attitude had shifted subtly from distant and laid-back to watchful. She felt him even when she couldn’t see him. Watching her in a way that made her blood thicken and pulse slowly with a sensual heaviness.
Of course, being surrounded by erotic art constantly had made a low level hum of arousal her constant companion. But, whenever Zach was around the level kicked up a few notches.
Her cell phone vibrated on her hip, dragging her attention away from the view he presented as he applied stain to a display podium and the sensations it aroused within her. She never should’ve hit on him, she thought, as she unsnapped the phone from her waistband. He’d turned into a distraction she really didn’t need.
She flipped her cell phone open without checking the caller ID. “Teal Jamison here,” she said crisply.
“Wow, you almost sound professional.” A deep voice full of humor came back at her.
“The phone company hasn’t hooked up my freak’n phone lines yet so I’ve had to give out my cell number to all the business contacts.” She spun on her heel to stare at the one rich burgundy wall in the gallery. She really did like the ivory and burgundy color scheme she’d chosen. She clapped a hand to her forehead. Focus.
“Dominick, I need a favor.”
“Whatever you need, you know I’m there for you, Sis.”
If there was one thing in the life she could always count on, it was her family. Her older brother was a well-known columnist for a local paper, and Dominick absolutely hated it when people tried to kiss up to him, or use his name to get ahead. Teal didn’t like to ask anyone for favors either, but her free-spirited hippie parents had made sure that no matter where they lived or what else was going on in their lives, they knew they could always turn to each other.
There was no such thing as a favor that couldn’t be asked amongst family.
So she sucked it up and voiced her request. “I can’t get anyone from the paper to commit to coming to the opening next week. I’ve got people from the indie art magazines, but I want–-I need more attention to make Lush a success. I want someone from The City paper. Please … talk to Wanda Brooks for me?”
Teal had been told the society columnist didn’t cover art gallery openings unless they featured a big name artist, or a charity. Since Teal was just starting out, she didn’t have any big name artists, and the only charity she could afford to donate to was her own. She’d sunk everything, and then some, into Lush.
Heavy silence greeted her request and she rushed to fill it. “I tried to get them to listen to the unique angle of it being an erotic art gallery, but they wouldn’t listen. I know if I can get some of the wealthier people of the city to attend, I have a good shot at helping create a big name artist, as well as a successful gallery. You should see some of the stuff I’ve got here, Dom! Sculptures and photographs that are wickedly sensual and unique. People will pay the high prices for them, if only I can get them in the doors!”
“Awww, Teal.” Her brother’s voice was almost a groan. “I get what you need, but having me talk to Wanda’s not a very good idea.”
“Why not? Come on, Dom. She’ll do it for you, women do anything you ask.” Just like men usually do anything for her.
They’d been raised to believe nudity and sexuality were natural in all its forms, and that seemed to give them an air of openly sexual energy that they’d both learned to use to their advantage in life.
She peeked over her shoulder at the man working in the center of the room. Usually was the key word there. The family charm didn’t seem to be working on Zach.
“Wanda the Witch and I don’t get along at all, Teal. Letting her know you’re my little sister might bite you in the ass.”
“Come on, Dom. Do this for me please? You’re a top dog at that newspaper, she’ll listen to you.” Teal hated the whiny note that entered her voice, especially since she was talking to her big brother, who sometimes liked to take his role as her protector too far. She’d worked long and hard to get him to understand that she could look after herself. But this was for business, not personal. He’d understand that. “I’ve never tried to cash in on your celebrity before, but I can’t get any sort of response from her.”
“Celebrity!” His derisive snort echoed clearly through the phone lines. “I swear Mom carried a piece of the Blarney stone around in her pocket when she was pregnant with you, Teal.”
“Please, Dom. Please, please, please,” she injected as much emotion as she could into the last three words. It wasn’t hard since she really did need the exposure.
“Damn it, Teal.” A heavy sigh came across the line and her heart expanded. “While flattery will get you nowhere with me, blood will. I’ll see what I can do.”
Relief flowed over her. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, Dominick. I owe you.”
“Yeah, you do. And you can repay me by telling me when you were going to inform me you’re being harassed.”
She squeezed her eyes shut. “I’m not being harassed, Dominick.”
“So you haven’t had a problem with graffiti and nasty messages?”
“There have been a few incidents, but its just kids. The neighbourhood.”
“I don’t like it, Teal. Tell me again why you think that warehouse is a good location for you?”
“Because it’s close enough to Whyte Ave that I’m easily accessible to tourists and shoppers, but far enough away that people won’t feel on display when they walk into an erotic art gallery. I want them curious and comfortable, not embarrassed that someone might see them walking out with a paper bag in their hands.” Nothing much about sex or sexuality embarrassed her, but she knew that a lot of people were like Brina Jo. People who kept all things sexual private and personal.
“Who told you about the pranks anyway?” She hadn’t mentioned it to anyone.
“I have friends that work in that area. They mentioned it. Speaking of which, they’re going to stop by and check on things for you from time to time.”
“Damn it, Dominick!” She took a deep breath. Temper was not the way to get through to her brother. “Just leave it alone. If I was having any problems you’d know about them.”
“Promise?” His voice was firm.
“I promise. Now, I have to get back to work. Go talk to Wanda Brooks for me.”
They said their goodbyes and she closed the phone with a snap. Damn it. The fact that others had noticed the crap that had been happening made her skin crawl. It meant she might not be imagining the malicious intent behind the messages.
Zach fought to steady his heartbeat as he watched Teal disappear into the back room. He hadn’t been deliberately eavesdropping, but when he’d heard her plead so prettily his cock had hardened instantly and his heart had started to pound. He’d figured her for a woman that would never plead, but maybe he was wrong.
And now, all he could think about was how he wanted to hear her plead for him like that.
Teal returned from the back room with a rolling cart full of framed prints. She stopped the cart nearby and picked the first one up off the top and went about trying it on various spots along the far wall. He tried not to watch her, he really did, but his eyes just would not do what he wanted.
She looked damn good in her long flowing skirt and classic white blouse. More sedate than what he’d seen her in before, yet still subtly sensual. Her dark hair was loose and free that afternoon and when she stepped underneath the spotlight to hang a photo, the color came alive. It shone like polished mahogany and his palms itched to touch.
His eyes followed the long line of her body as she stretched to place the frame properly and he imagined her with her hands bound above her head, her body stretched out awaiting his attention. He’d keep her hair down, so he could stroke it and play with it. He wondered if it was her natural color, or if her pubic curls would be different. Darker against her fair skin maybe.
She must’ve felt him watching her because she looked over her shoulder in that moment, and caught him staring.
Their eyes locked and the arousal tugged at his groin. There was definitely something about her that got his blood pumping. But he still hadn’t decided what to do about it. When she looked back at what she was doing, he did the same.
He felt her approach and looked up at her from his squatting position. “Need a hand?”
“Actually,” her lips tilted into a flirtatious smile. “I was just thinking of what I wanted for dinner tonight. There’s a great Japanese restaurant down the road, would you like to join me for dinner when we’re done here?”
Zach had to bite his tongue to keep from accepting her invitation as he straightened up. When he was at his full height, he looked down at her and shook his head slowly. “Thank you for the invitation, Teal, but I’m not sure that’s such a good idea.”
“Why not? You have about one more day’s worth of work to do for me then our
business is done. I don’t see why we should have to wait any longer to focus on pleasure instead.”
“It’s not that,” he assured her. How could he explain his hesitancy to her when he wasn’t even sure himself?
“I just don’t think it’s a good idea.”
Her eyes widened and he took the moment of her surprise to move around the podium and get to work on the other side. He was almost done with it and after that he had two more to do. Like she said, one more day of work, then his work for her was done.
If she let him, he could ignore the attraction for another day. It was for the best since he really didn’t get the submissive vibe from her. He glanced back at her, and met her puzzled gaze calmly. She nodded and gave him a weak smile before walking away and he cursed the twinge of disappointment in his chest.
Neither of them spoke as they continued to work, but the tension grew in the silence. He’d just stepped back from the podium and was putting the lid back onto the can of stain when he felt her steady gaze on him. Ignoring it, he went back to where his tools were and gathered them up.
The abrupt click of her heels on the hardwood floor warned him of her determined approach.
“Okay, Zack, what’s wrong with me?”
Schooling his expression, he turned to face her. “Who says there’s something wrong with you?”
“You do. I know you’re attracted to me. I can see it in your eyes. I can feel it tug deep inside my belly when you look at me.” She scraped a well-manicured fingernail across his chest. “Yet, you won’t even go to dinner with me?”
Honest amusement blended with the other sensations stirring inside him. She really was a force to be reckoned with. He pulled a cloth from his back pocket and wiped his hands while contemplating her.